Introduction to Contento - Powering B2B SaaS Companies Websites

Having worked in B2B SaaS for many years I have been frustrated with the countless numbers of SaaS startups who are not able to market effectively due to relying on Content Management Systems (or worse custom builds) that are not fit for purpose.

It is why I have Co-Founded Contento, a Headless CMS built specifically for B2B SaaS websites / companies. As part of our initial launch we are offering clients a migration service off the likes of WordPress so as to help reduce the switching costs for those looking to upgrade their content management system.

I will also be writing a collection of new blogs and content focused on helping those working in B2B SaaS to deliver the best website experience possible.

The following represent some of the blogs that have recently been published:

The Definitive Guide to Building B2B SaaS Websites

The Dangers of B2B SaaS Website Bloat

What are the Key Benefits of a Headless CMS?

Create a Winning B2B SaaS Homepage

Driving Growth at Your B2B SaaS Startup

I have also published two new white papers that deep dive on topics close to the top of the agenda for everyone working in B2B SaaS. You can find the links below. I hope you find them of use.

Finally, if you’d like to learn more about the benefits of Contento - please get in touch below (NB link will take you to the Contento site).